Monday, February 13, 2006

Be the first change you want to see in the world.

Well ask any young man what’s life for him & whatever he will say will point towards this much whacked trilogy- MRP. Money, recognition & power. And he’ll never desist arguing that this is the definition of a success today. Agreed, this way or that; the ambitions have been stemming from these things for all times but not so brutal.

Take an example of a corporate sector. Here, every element will say that he has this duo-peer pressure & rat race- beating him from side to side. He has to be a leader for his downline, a potent rival for his counterparts & a flaccid listener for his boss. All for making his presence in plain sight or others are there to run off with everything.

A student has to be intellectually gem for he has to score there to be an engineer to get in MNC & see bucks coming his way. Or there is another privileged tag of a doctor which is quite tough to possess seeing the levels at which he has to compete. A politician sees himself amongst all mighty throwing weight around. He has to shape up himself the same way. And many of such examples can be alluded to. On the whole, you have to have those several masks of being a different person for different people & situations to survive & still shine. But in procedures you go away from being yourself. That’s the catch. And misgiving of this so-much-to-do stuff never lets you breathe easy. And you feel that stress of being a perfectionist in all the fields.

And on a rare peaceful evening in the garden when you are unconsciously busy reckoning your liabilities, a small girl picks up a flower & smells it having a divine experience. And you realize, she can’t understand life, but knows how to live it & you can write a book on life but are going far away from living it. Because she knows there are thing she knows & thing she doesn’t. In between there are doors!

Toiling hard to realize dreams makes world go ahead & that’s the only direction life understands. Certainly sharp minds will rock the boat challenging big shots. But in this process, there are moments you should have for yourself being yourself. And as Gita says if all this work is done with detachment without thinking of fruits, those added pressures will never haunt you & ultimately this will lead towards a happy & balanced life. After all a fresh life starts with innocence. Being simple, approachable, & being yourself. So let’s be the first change we want to see in the world.

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